Monday, August 7, 2017


I know I shouldn't be surprised with anything that comes out of Donald Trump's mouth or appears on his Twitter feed, but his attacks on Senator Blumenthal today were so disgusting that it shocked even me. Maybe it was because today was Purple Heart Day and it took him until mid to late afternoon to even acknowledge our heroes, but this one -really- rubbed me the wrong way. I have to feel that at some point, human decency will take over and people will have had enough of this self-aggrandizing asshole. How many more people and entities does he have to publicly denigrate before the entire country realizes that he doesn't give a shit about anything but himself?

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Hey Google, Can I Tweet in Prison?

No. No you can't. I really liked the way Rick Wilson said it in his Daily Beast article, so I'm going to borrow a quote from him: This was Trump's worst week since last week.

I described this as a five-alarm dumpster fire the other day on Twitter, but I'm not even sure that suffices anymore. There's certainly never been a presidency in my lifetime in which the incumbent party begins planning to run against their party's president less than a year into his first-term. Granted, it's likely that this term is going to end before Christmas of this year, so we can chalk it up to political astuteness on their part.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

So... North Korea Has an ICBM.... Now What?

The July 28th North Korean ICBM launch was significant for several reasons:

1. They're now 2/2 on ICBM launches.
2. This is their first nighttime launch - they did this with the hope that we wouldn't be able to see the preparations as early. It didn't work, but they did show the ability to roll out and launch missiles relatively quickly.
3. This confirmed our previous suspicions that their July 4th ICBM was under-tuned / had more capability than shown. Most of us were surprised by exactly how much more capability they had.

Now, the question is: What can we do about it? Administrations have drawn the famous "We will not allow North Korea to become a nuclear power / we will not allow North Korea to develop a missile that can threaten the United States" red-lines for almost as long as I can remember. Red-lines are great... but now we're waiting on nuke test 6 and ICBM test 3. American policy has clearly failed.