Monday, December 24, 2018

How The F$%# Does a Sitting POTUS Ruin Christmas?

Tonight might very be the most disgusted I've ever been by Donald Trump. I had no intention of taking time this evening to write this post -- or any other post for that matter -- until Trump opened his mouth again. I've previously said that for the first time in my children's lives, I don't even allow them to be in the room when the President of the United States is speaking. As sad as that is, this policy has been validated many times over the last two years, but perhaps never as much as tonight.

I tucked my still-believe-in-Santa-age children into bed, made sure everything was perfect for tomorrow morning, poured myself a drink, and opened Twitter to possibly crack a couple jokes before I went to bed myself. I should have skipped Twitter and just went to bed; all it made me want to do is pour myself another drink. For those of you that missed it, children call in to the White House Switchboard and speak to POTUS about the current location of Santa (according to the NORAD Tracker). Seems benign, right? With any other President, yes; Trump, being Trump, managed to f$%# it up spectacularly.

Direct quote from POTUS to a 7-year-old calling to ask him about Santa: Are you still a believer in Santa? Because at seven it's marginal, right?"

Seriously? What kind of shit-tier human do you have to be to manage to be * this* devoid of empathy, common decency, or just paternal instincts in general? Talking to children on the phone should not be a challenge if you're the President of the United States. Asking a child about Santa should not be difficult, particularly if you're the President of the United States who happens to lie about 35 times a day... on a slow day. The ONE TIME WE ACTUALLY NEED YOU TO STRETCH THE TRUTH -- or just STFU and pretend to be capable of human feelings -- you manage to completely bumblefuck it? This should quite literally be the EASIEST part of being President. I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything Trump does at this point, but this one completely threw me for a loop. There is something seriously wrong with any human who can make it to 72-years-old and not be enchanted by the magic of a young child's imagination.

Anyway, just wanted to rant for a minute; that's all I got. I've got a piece on Syria coming soon in response to a few questions about the tensions between Turkey and the Kurds. I would expect that to go live on Wednesday. 

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday, and that those of you with young children managed to keep them away from the President's best effort to ruin their innocence. 


  1. Wishing you and your family the most wonderful of Christmases. Revel in your childrens' innocence. And thank you for all you do for us. With admiration and a good deal of fondness, Ivy.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm with YOU 100%. That walking abomination is the most disgusting thing to ever breathe.

  4. Thank God for you, and your willingness to articulate what is happening. You bring words to my feelings of rage.
    That freak of nature needs to go.
    Merry Christmas to you and family.

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thank you for your humor and insights during this difficult time in our nation's history.

  6. You may have just seen a window into what caused him to become the malignant creature that he is today. Sociopaths are made, not born. His childhood was ruined by his parents,and probabably exactly like this.Deliberate, gleeful devaluation and abuse of everything that a child is,is what causes the deep wound that eventually turns one into a narcissist/sociopath.He was probably parroting his own father. My heart breaks when I see Baron, because the pain on that kids face tells me that his father is perpetuating the same cycle of abuse and devaluation.

    1. Actually, true sociopaths are born. Medical research has shown that their brains are different from normal people. They lack the parts that promote conscience & empathy. In other words they are hardwired to be sociopaths.

      Whether or not this makes them evil does depend to a degree on their environment. A sociopath can learn to restrain his or her worst impulses. Clearly the opposite happened with Trump.

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Thanks for keeping us in the loop.

  8. Typical narcissist. This is what they do. Merry Christmas!

  9. You're my favorite Twitter account. Thank you for posting the truth every day. Merry Christmas.

  10. Thank you for ranting he is mentally ill he is incapable of feeling any compassion he has malignant narcissist personality disorder no cure Hope you have a Merry Christmas and keep ranting! You have the best tweets you and MSNBC and WTFGOP @ doggintrump keep me going and help keep the despair away!Thank you for getting me thru these last 2 years!

  11. Thank you for your inside info. You are very much respected and appreciated

  12. Merry Christmas and thank you for sending out the truth from the White House, unlike the gaseous fumes blasted out day and night.

    You wrote a post on December 8 that predicted "I fully expect the next few weeks to be completely bonkers. Trump will likely keep digging his heels in and winding up his multitude of mouth-breathers with verifiably false rhetoric."

    100% good call. Respect.

  13. Just another day with our toxic pendejo in chief. ¡Feliz Navidad y Próspero Año Nuevo!

  14. I spend most days angry and in total dismay. This last stunt, from the incompetent "president" at first had me in I saw it was true I was at a loss of words-even angry words-which I am never short of for him. At 24 hours after I am just so so sad. Sad for the child. Sad for the parents. Sad for the country. Sad for the world. Its depressing. It often ruins my day and I go from anger to fear to apathy. I am entering apathy now. When there I completely check out. I know no news. I have no discussions. I keep a distance and hope for the best.

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